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Monitor a giant black hole in the heart of the Milky Way galaxy

Milky Way Galaxy

Scientists have observed a huge black hole in the heart of the Milky Way galaxy, about 100 thousand times the size of the Sun.

The discovery is the second largest black hole in the heart of our galaxy, after the "Sagittarius A" hole, which is about 25,000 light years away.

The discovery may help scientists solve some secrets about black holes, allowing them to learn how these alien space objects form.

The giant hole was spotted by scientists looking for a massive toxic gas cloud hovering near the middle of the galaxy, using a huge telescope in the Atacama Desert, in Chile, South America.
Japanese scientists have discovered the huge hole hidden in a cloud of gas, after they spotted a strange movement of gases that indicate a large "compressed object" in its center, which scientists say should be a black hole.

Scientists have long agreed that large galaxies, such as the Milky Way galaxy, have huge black holes, which may be more than a billion times larger than the sun, but they have not been able to know how this happens, especially since it is impossible for us to see the black holes in the naked eye .

It is believed that the holes known as "medium black holes" or "IMBH", which are formed when the black holes are small or stellar, merge into the giant black holes, but this is the first time that the evidence is found to be those medium and larger holes .

This discovery may one day prove the theory of general relativity of the famous physicist Albert Einstein, which may contribute significantly to the "advance of modern physics".


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