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Interesting information about a meteor shower that decorated the sky

Interesting information about a meteor shower that decorated the sky

The phenomenon of a "meteor shower"

This year's "meteor shower" is one of the best in the world, with the perfect conditions for this global event, with the start of the new moon.
This phenomenon occurs as a result of the passage of the Earth near the dust particles left by the particles of comets, which culminated on August 11, where the sky rained about 70 stars per hour, and continue this astronomical event until the early hours of the morning, Monday, August 13.
There are a number of facts that must be known about the "meteor shower" that the world is witnessing annually in the skies of the earth:
1 - one of the most stable astronomical phenomena:
The "Comet Swift-Tuttle" is located in its orbit for thousands of years. Its orbit around the sun is 133 years. This is the first year the comet has been through the solar system since 1991. Next time in 2126 .
2. Just cosmic dust:
The phenomenon is known as the product of particles of dust and rocks, some of them the size of sand grains, left by the comet as it approaches the sun. This belt has a circle around the sun that intersects the Earth's orbit every year. As a result of this intersection, the earth passes through the belt, causing the atmosphere to contact the atmosphere at high speed with dust, leading to the appearance of bright, attractive light represented by meteor showers.

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