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Why Mars colonization is important?

"The establishment of a permanent human colony on Mars is not an option but a necessity," says the most creative minds of the 21st century, such as Paz Aldrin, Stephen Hawking, Elon Mask, Bill Nye, and even Neil Degrees Tyson.However, it is hard to see how human missions costing hundreds of billions of dollars to Mars will benefit humanity. It's easy to imagine what you can do with that much money, such as fighting hunger, poverty and extremism, but that's only because people have They only focus on what happens tomorrow rather than what happens 100 years from now."If the human race wants to go on for another million years, we have to dare to go to a place where no one has ever gone," says Stephen Hawking in 2008 at a lecture on NASA's 50th anniversary.This leads us to review the first reasons for the colonization of Mars:
 The first is to ensure the survival of the human race

Humans knew no other homeland than Earth, but history shows that survival as a human race on this tiny blue point flying in space must be difficult and uncertain. Dinosaurs are a classic example: they have traveled the planet for 165 million years, Their fossils are fossil because they are the cause of their extinction.
Therefore, the separation of humans on more than one planet is enough to keep them for thousands and even millions of years from now. In this regard, Elon Mask adds the astronomer and blogger Phil Plait: "Humans must become multi-planetary beings."
Elon Mask created the space company SpaceX to help make this possible.
Mars is an ideal target, because the length of the day is about the same as the length of the day on our planet, the presence of ice water on its surface, and more, it is the best option, because Mercury and Venus have high temperature, and our moon does not have an air cover protects its inhabitants from any shocks Meteorological destruction.

 The second reason: the discovery of life on Mars
 Bill Nye, executive director of the Planetary Society, said during an episode of StarTalk Radio in March that humanity should focus on sending humans to Mars instead of robots because humans have the ability to make discoveries 10,000 times as much as vehicles can explore today Although he was reluctant to add humans to Mars, he agreed that there were many discoveries to be made there.Scientists may make discoveries that can determine if life is found on Mars. If we want to find out, we have to drill deeper than NASA's vehicles, especially with the theory that life was not born on the marshes of the earth, but from Mars.The Martian life theory suggests that micro-organisms are thrown from the surface of Mars because of a strong shock to eventually make their way to Earth. It is not difficult to imagine the theory's existence with Martian rocks on Earth, Life."The fact that a Martian rock has a life on its surface has landed on Earth and has announced the beginning of life on earth," said Christopher Embee, a British astronomer and author of several books on astronomy and science in Business Insider. To find life on Mars ».

The third reason: improving the quality of life on earth
 "Only by pushing humanity to its limits and deep into space will we be able to make science and technology explorations that can be built to improve life on earth," wrote British astronomer Alexander Kumar in an article in the BBC in 2012, exploring the pros and cons of sending humans to Mars.At this time, Kumar was living in the most Mars-like place on earth, the South Pole, to test how to adapt to the extreme conditions psychologically and physically, and to understand more, to take this example:During its first three years in space, the NASA telescope took spectacular images of space, but it still had some flaws. The problem was solved in 1993, but in their attempt to take advantage of blurry images during the early years, astronomers developed a computer algorithm to extract information from Images are better.It was later discovered that a doctor used this algorithm in x-rays to examine breast cancer. The algorithm gave better results in screening for early stages of breast cancer better than the conventional method, which was then examined with the naked eye.In an interview with journalist Farid Zakaria, Neil Degrees Tyson explained in his program, Star Talk, that "the intersection of fields always happens, one of which is created to inspire revolutionary changes in the other."So we can not predict what technology should be developed to colonize Mars and the benefit we will have on Earth, but we can realize that by pushing humanity to its limits we can go anywhere and create any technology.

Cause 4: Growth as a single species
According to Neil Tyson, we have another reason to go to Mars, which is to inspire the next generation of space explorers. When Neil asked whether humans should go to Mars, he replied: "Yes, for the colonization of Mars we will need a whole generation of scientists, Technicians, athletes, and given this, the next generation of astronauts are still in the middle school now. "
"Space seems to be a facade of what happens at the meeting, as a motive for innovation, and there is no ambitious frontend like NASA,"

The view of science fiction writers
 In the opinion of many science fiction writers, it may help human colonization of Mars to escape the problems of our species on Earth. Tom Lijon, often published in the journal Science Fiction and Fact, It has many dangers, but it does not contain vandals, earthquakes, terrorists, or even wars."Volcanoes have become extinct and geologically quiet, so Mars is safer than Earth in some respects," Tom said during a March 7 debate at the Human to Mars summit in Washington."Exploring this red planet may help solve the problems of the lack of resources on our planet. Many resources are in the outflow, some of which we rely on mainly. Maybe copper will be implemented in the future," says novelist Michael Swannwick.The power of science fiction lies in showing people insights about exploration and its potential. The book hopes to inspire future generations to dream of Mars or even other worlds. The red planet represents many adventurers as a symbol of something more than simple exploration, So this explains why people consider Mars a distinctive spot throughout history, and an explanation of their desire to colonize it.For example, a Dutch non-profit organization has asked volunteers for a trip to Mars without return. Despite sacrifices on such a mission, the organization has received more than 200,000 requests, and when humans want to leave the only planet they once called home to face the imminent death of millions Kilometers, they signal that the love relationship between humanity and that the Red Planet has reached its peak.

The future of the planet

 While it may not be the planet closest to the Earth, scientists have considered this planet more representative of the Earth, which is itself a magic magic.In 1960, the first set of probes were sent to the nearby planets and returned to us with images of a molar surface filled with noises just like the moon of our planet. Luckily for Mars lovers, another mission was launched a decade later to come back to us with clearer versions of Mars, images showing huge volcanoes, Dry rivers, and large trenches stretching thousands of kilometers.Mars has a 24.6-hour day and Earth-like glaciers. Many believe Mars is relatively stable to build human colonies, and the notion that if Earth can no longer meet our needs, Mars will do the job.Millionaire Elon Mask is looking further. The South African director of Tesla said that colonialism was necessary if we were to protect the future of mankind.Earlier this year, SpaceX announced it had raised $ 1 billion for space exploration from companies such as Google, as well as rocket flights into space in the coming years.Meanwhile, Virgin, represented by Richard Branson, has set out to launch space flights by sending humans into sub-orbits and Richard has confirmed his role in starting flights to Mars.
 But Elon Mask and Richard Lysa were the last to speak about the colonization of Mars. In 1979, the world published the first paper to examine the requirements to support life on Martian surfaces. The paper called "The Case of a Man on Mars," and Clark assumed in his paper That human missions can reduce the weight of their vehicles by extracting water from Mars soil and extracting oxygen from carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere.In the end, it can be said that all space agencies gather that Mars is the target of human travel, and agree that it is the most optimistic destination for short-term colonialism.

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